Prompts for AI

Created by Kip Gleam using an OpenAI ChatGPT4 Public Free Account through a system of prompts.

With the exception of any italicized text, ChatGPT provided every word of these reports. They have not been altered in any way besides formatting and the occasional grammatical or syntactic correction, this shows the incredible capabilities of Artificial Intelligence.

The Accountability Watch Guide

Uncovering Corruption and Cover-ups

The Accountability Watch Guide is a comprehensive resource and a powerful tool for promoting awareness, critical thinking, and accountability. It aims to empower individuals to question, investigate, and challenge potentially corrupt practices across various entities. By providing a systematic approach and a wide range of tools for research, investigation, and collaboration, this guide equips readers with the knowledge and skills needed to uncover hidden agendas, promote transparency, and advocate for a more ethical world.

To ensure the guide's effectiveness, it is crucial to approach it with an open mind, conducting thorough research, and verifying information before drawing conclusions or taking action. Responsible use is encouraged, emphasizing the importance of engaging in constructive dialogue and working towards positive change in communities and society as a whole. By utilizing The Accountability Watch Guide responsibly, readers can become active participants in uncovering corruption, promoting transparency, and advocating for justice. It empowers individuals to question the status quo, foster critical thinking, and work towards building a more accountable and ethical world.

This comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap for investigative researchers, journalists, and concerned citizens, helping them navigate the complexities of corruption and cover-ups. It sheds light on red flags and warning signs associated with corrupt entities while addressing the influence of money and conflicts of interest. Through case studies and practical strategies, it empowers advocates for change to challenge the status quo and strengthen accountability measures. Overall, The Accountability Watch Guide encourages individuals to actively participate in exposing corruption, promoting transparency, and advocating for justice. It fosters a collective responsibility to hold powerful entities accountable and serves as a catalyst for grassroots movements, investigative journalism, and advocacy efforts, ultimately striving for a more just and equitable society.

Click here for a free list of potentially corrupt entities provided by ChatGPT using this guide!

The Potential Benefits of The Guide are Multi-fold

Prompt to Discuss The Guide with ChatGPT

( Provide the whole guide in the same input as the prompt. Be sure to replace the brackets with the chosen step of the guide or just state that you want to discuss it as a whole. )

Copy and paste this into the input: 

Can you provide more information and examples related to the [step of guide] of the Accountability Watch Guide? I would like to learn more about the specific strategies and actions associated with this step, as well as any real-life examples that illustrate its importance. Let's delve deeper into this aspect of media transparency and accountability.


50 Things That the User Can Do with The Accountability Watch Guide

The Catalog of Human Roadblocks 

Addressing Humanity's Limitations

The Catalog of Human Roadblocks is a comprehensive resource that categorizes and explores the various challenges, limitations, and barriers faced by humanity. It provides insights into different aspects of human existence, ranging from biological and cognitive limitations to social, environmental, technological, political, economic, historical, linguistic, and spiritual limitations. By acknowledging and understanding these roadblocks, we can work towards creating a better future that enhances human experiences and well-being.

The Catalog serves as a valuable reference guide for individuals, researchers, policymakers, and innovators who seek to gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles that hinder human progress. It offers a structured framework to identify, analyze, and address the diverse challenges faced by individuals, communities, and societies. 

The Potential Benefits of The Catalog are Multi-fold

Prompt to Discuss The Catalog with ChatGPT

( Provide the whole catalog in the same input as the prompt. Be sure to replace the brackets with the chosen category or just state that you want to discuss it as a whole. )

Copy and paste this into the input: 

Can you provide more information and examples related to the [super category/subcategory] section of The Catalog of Human Roadblocks? I would like to learn more about the specific roadblocks and challenges associated with it.

Catalog of Human Roadblocks

Super Category: Biological Limitations

These roadblocks arise from our biological makeup, which is not perfect and subject to wear and tear over time.

Super Category: Cognitive Limitations

These limitations are inherent in our cognitive processes and can lead to errors in judgment and decision-making.

Super Category: Social Limitations

These limitations stem from the complex and often problematic nature of human social interactions.

Super Category: Environmental Limitations

These limitations arise from the finite nature of our planet and our impact on it.

Super Category: Technological Limitations

These limitations arise from the fact that technology is not infallible and can be subject to various limitations and problems.

Super Category: Political Limitations

These limitations arise from the fact that human political systems are complex and can be subject to various problems and abuses.

Super Category: Economic Limitations

These limitations arise from the fact that our economic systems are often unequal and do not provide equal opportunities for all.

Super Category: Historical Limitations

These limitations arise from the fact that history has left many people and societies at a disadvantage that continues to this day.

Super Category: Linguistic Limitations

These limitations arise from the fact that language is often a barrier to understanding and communication.

Super Category: Spiritual Limitations

These limitations arise from the fact that spirituality and belief systems can sometimes be limiting and prevent people from achieving their full potential.

Super Category: Societal Constructs and Cultural Biases

These roadblocks arise from the social constructs and biases embedded within societies and can limit individuals' opportunities and experiences.

Super Category: Emotional and Psychological Limitations

These limitations stem from the complexities of human emotions and the challenges individuals face in managing and understanding their own thoughts and feelings.

50 Things That the User Can Do with The Catalog of Human Roadblocks